Sunday, April 12, 2009

Politics Of Tribalism The Game Played With Our Parliamentary Aphrodite

I urge all the right-minded people in the country, including silent but concerned Grand Coalition, to raise their voice against the politics of tribalism. Since Kenya is not a theocratic state, the religious rights and the identities of the various faith-based ethnic or tribe communities that constitute the Great Kenyan Family must indeed be protected. But notions of ‘majority’ and ‘minority’ should have no place in the politics and statecraft of our nation much less be manipulated for vote-bank considerations. This divisive mindset jeopardises Kenya as one united, integral and harmonious nation. The Grand Coalition parties are trying to divide the nation by continuously harping on ‘tribal protection’ in the same way that the British rulers did for their own ulterior motives.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tribalism is what kenyan politicians capitalize on.Come general election and they all go back to their tribes and funny enough the common kenyan incuding me never learn.We always end up suporting one because he/she is one of our own(tribesman).until we start seeing kenyan as one big tribe that is kenyans we will always have the same problems over and over again